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Book review - Thinking Space

For Black History Month we are pleased to share this book review from the Journal of Child Psychotherapy. It is free to access until the end of November 2021.

Child Psychotherapist and ACP member; Robert Fleming, reviews Frank Lowe’s book- Thinking Space: promoting thinking about race, culture and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. ‘From the start of the book Lowe points out that despite some improvements, there is a lack of regular thinking space about diversity in most psychotherapy trainings’. Fleming, through discussion of the book, reflects on how therapists think and understand the impact of race in their clinical work. 

Robert Fleming (2014) Thinking space: promoting thinking about race, culture and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40:2, 225-227, DOI: 10.1080/0075417X.2014.922762

Read the book review online here

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