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Employment Standards Group members

Due to two members stepping down, the Employment Standards Group (ESG) needs new members. The committee also needs to expand the membership to be able to provide more assessors for recruitment panels. There is therefore space for up to five new members. 

The role of the employment standards committee is to provide advice and guidance to ACP members and employers on all matters related to the recruitment and employment of child psychotherapists in the public sector, and in private and third sector organisations.

Time commitment: The committee meets six times a year on the third Friday, 09:15 - 11:00 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov). As part of the role members act as assessors on recruitment panels. New members will be given an induction as to what this will involve. There is also the opportunity to join task and finish groups to address particular issues from time to time. 

For more information: Please read through the Remit of the ACP Employment Standards Group document or the information on the ACP website. Alternatively, please contact Eve Grainger, Lead of the Employment Standards Group.

Remuneration: These roles are voluntary/unpaid 

How to apply: To apply, please email a copy of your CV and a short statement explaining why you are interested. These need to be submitted to

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