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Mother's Day - podcast on motherhood

For Mother's Day  -  we are delighted to share a new podcast about motherhood.

We often hear about the joys of motherhood, but here Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist Alison Bruce, discusses the challenges that becoming a mother presents as well, even when the pregnancy, birth and delivery have all gone smoothly.  She discusses the impact motherhood can have on a woman's body, her mood and the couple relationship. She reflects on the importance for new parents, but particularly for mothers, of having forums to talk about their experiences in an open and honest way, which can be difficult to do ordinarily. Alison describes how her training and experience as a child psychotherapist help to facilitate this group.

'Mothers need to have an opportunity to tell the story of what has happened to them.'


If you have recently had a baby and would like to read more about your developing relationship - there are several Understanding childhood leaflets that explore this in more detail:

Your New Baby, Your Family & You

Crying & Sleeping in the First Months of Life

Postnatal Depression - A Problem for all the Family

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