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Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children - Boston, Mary & Szur, Rolene (1983)

This study describes the experience of severely deprived children referred for individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Tavistock Clinic in London, and at other clinics and schools. Most were living in children's homes, all came from chaotic and disrupted families, and many had been abused or neglected. 

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Severe Emotional Disturbances in Children and Adolescents: Psychotherapy in Applied Contexts - Flynn, Denis (2004)

Severe Emotional Disturbance in Children and Adolescents conveys the experiences of severely emotionally disturbed children in detailed accounts of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and explores the life and death struggles against severe self-harm to body and mind by the most distressed sections of adolescents.

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The Presence of the Therapist: Treating Childhood Trauma - Lanyado, Monica (2004)

The Presence of the Therapist uses clinical studies based on the author's publications over the past 18 years to illustrate work with severely distressed children.

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Transforming Despair to Hope: Reflections on the Psychotherapeutic Process with Severely Neglected and Traumatised Children - Lanyado, Monica (2017)

This book offers a thorough overview of the problems and rewards of trying to help severely neglected and traumatised children. Drawing on over 40 cyears of clinical experience, Monica Lanyado provides a historical and social perspective on this challenging population. 

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From Trauma to Harming Others: The Portman Model of Therapeutic Work with Delinquent, Violent and Sexually Harmful Children and Young People - Nathanson, Ariel Music, Graham & Sternberg, Janine (2021)

From Trauma to Harming Others shows the approach of professionals from the world-renowned Portman Clinic, which specializes in work with violence, delinquency and sexual acting out.

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Psychotic States in Children - Rustin, Margaret et al. (1997)

Developments in the understanding and psychotherapeutic treatment of children and adolescents suffering from psychotic levels of disturbance are dealt with in this work, from the Tavistock Clinic Series. The book is chiefly concerned with children troubled in their behaviour, relationships, and communication.

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Trauma and Memory. The Science and the Silenced - Sinason, Valerie & Conway Ashley (2021)

Trauma and Memory will assist mental health experts and professionals, as well as the interested public, in understanding the scientific issues around trauma memory, and how this differs from other areas of memory. 

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The Truth About Trauma And Dissociation: Everything You Were Afraid to Ask And Didn’t Want To Know - Sinason, Valerie (2020)

An accessible and sensitive guide to the key concepts involved when working with people who have experienced trauma and dissociation, this book covers all degrees of trauma: complex, childhood attachment ruptures, sexual abuse, torture, war, and even the coronavirus pandemic.

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Parenting a Child Affected by Sexual Abuse - Youell, Biddy (2016)

This book includes useful background information on child sexual development, the knowledge and insight that has been gained from adult survivors, and accounts of what it is like to parent a child who has been sexually abused.

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