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Other Books by ACP Members

These are books that have be written by ACP members but aren't child psychotherapy related.

Psychology, Discourse and Social Practice: From Regulation to Resistance - Burman, Erica et al. (1996)

What damage does psychology do to people's lives, and what can we do about it? How do we recognise and support resistance? Written by expert practitioners-researchers, this co-authored book explores how psychology legislates on normality and then uses its "expert" knowledge to turn social marginalisation into pathology.

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Challenging Women: Psychology'  Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities - Burnam, Erica et al. (1996)

Challenging Women builds upon feminist analyses of psychology to look critically at the assumptions which underlie both psychology and feminism. Drawing upon current feminist research and theory, the authors explore key professional issues in psychology and its related disciplines.

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Pieces of Molly: An Ordinary Life - Edwards, Judith (2014)

Molly’s journey starts as everyone’s does, in the womb. In most memoirs the ten years after conception and birth are swiftly passed over, but here we see life from the beginning through the eyes of Molly, a small child grappling with the realities of life as she grows up in rural England at the end of the Second World War.

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